Please see the list below of our Special Education Programs
- Ben Haven ABC
- Wallingford Transition Academy
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." (W. B. Yeats)
The ARTS (Alternative Route to Success) Academy provides:
- A highly structured daily schedule
- A small teacher-to-student ratio to ensure that students receive more individual attention and develop closer personal connections with adults
- A safe, caring, and nurturing environment where students are taught the importance of tolerance and where everyone works to improve their skills at resolving conflicts peacefully and equitably
- An integrated curriculum that parallels that of the other Wallingford middle and high schools, which includes an emphasis on the use of technology as a vital learning tool
- Participation in frequent community service activities which help students to make connections with various groups of people in the community, to experience the satisfaction of seeing their own efforts benefit others, and to develop practical skills
- An occupational education course team-taught by the teachers, school psychologist, and guidance counselor in order to assist students in their growth as learners, workers, and contributing members of their families and community
- For older students, assistance in establishing and maintaining a successful work experience
- A team approach to the education of the whole individual, in which all staff members contribute in consistent ways to support specific developmental goals for students
- Assistance for students in identifying and working toward goals that will move them toward a successful transition to their next educational or vocational situation
- Open and frequent communication with students' families in order to work cooperatively in support of the students' learning and personal goals
The program is located at Lyman Hall, Mark T. Sheehan, James H. Moran and Dag Hammarskjold schools.
For more information about the program please contact:
Elizabeth Perry-Bergstrom: Program Coordinator Lyman Hall High School;, 203.294.6293
Tamara Kelly: Program Coordinator Mark T. Sheehan High School;, 203.294.3932
Lori Blue: Social Worker James H. Moran;, 203.294.5900
Abigail Koch: Social Worker Dag Hammarskjold;, 203.294.3707
Ben Haven ABC
The Activity-Based Classroom (ABC, ABC Plus) program goal is to meet Wallingford’s need as a district in providing highly intensive, individualized instruction for students with Autism and other complex learning needs.
The program offers highly intensive, individualized programming for students within a public school setting at the elementary and middle school level.
Programs are designed to meet students’ individual needs while offering opportunities to be included with their same-age peers.
The program offers a unique opportunity to build academic, communication, and social skills in 1:1 or small group settings with a high student-staff ratio.
Staff are highly trained and experienced working with students with autism and other complex learning needs.
For more information contact:
Christa Jachym, Clinical Coordinator
Kristen Gionfriddo, ABC Plus Teacher at Moran Middle School
Jill Ciarciello, ABC Teacher at Parker Farms Elementary School
INSPIRE at Dag Hammarskjold Middle School and Lyman Hall High School is a specialized program for students requiring a combination of academic and life skill instruction. At Dag Hammarskjold Middle School, the program provides a small student to teacher ratio with a focus on providing opportunities for individualized programming. Related service staff work closely with the teacher to provide students with embedded skill instruction. In addition, students attend general education courses and electives as outlined by their Individualized Education Plan.
Building on the experiences at Dag Hammarskjold Middle School, students at Lyman Hall High School are provided an increased opportunity to pursue individualized interests in general education classes while pursuing their high school diploma. Students within the INSPIRE program participate in special education classes focused on their individual academic needs as well as vocational and life skill development. A key component of the program is the collaboration of related service staff, special education teachers and families to develop and implement a long-term life course plan focused on student strengths, interests, skills and family vision of post-secondary plans.
For more information contact Aimee Turner 203.294.5948
Angela Milewski Dag Hammarskjold Middle School/Lyman Hall School Special Education Department Head 203.294.5312
The STARS program provides a small, structured classroom setting offering explicit, targeted instruction. Individualized instruction is provided in a 1:1 or small group service delivery model to promote a higher rate of skill acquisition. Students have the opportunity to generalize learned skills in the regular classroom setting when appropriate. All students have the opportunity to attend lunch, recess and specials with their grade level typical peers.
Each classroom is taught by a special education teacher and staffed with BTs (Behavior Technicians) and paraprofessionals. A Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) oversees the programs. Related services include a school psychologist, social worker, speech language pathologist, occupational therapist and physical therapist based on individual needs. A fully equipped sensory room and designated space for individual instruction is available. Data is collected and reviewed on a regular basis by special education providers and the BCBA to monitor and adjust individual academic and social behavioral goals and objectives.
Currently, the Wallingford Public Schools offers a PK-5 STARS program at Cook Hill Elementary, E.C. Stevens Elementary School and Pond Hill Elementary School.
Wallingford Transition Academy
The Wallingford Transition Academy provides educational as well as supported vocational experiences which will help increase employment opportunities and further independence. In addition to academics, life skills and vocational skills, students in the academy participate in activities in the community.
- To provide work experiences within the Wallingford community where job skills necessary for employment can be developed.
- To help students generalize appropriate attitudes and behaviors necessary for successful transitions into working environments.
- To guide students with self-assessment activities & perform situational assessments in order to explore their likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses & aptitudes.
- To provide real life experiences that promote problem solving, high order thinking skills and strategies necessary for successful transition to adult life.
- All Pets Club
- Mobile Theatre & Security
- Gaylord Rehabilitation Hospital
- IGA East Center Market
- Olympia Sports
- Elizabeth’s Bakery
- Black Horse Stables
- The Breakfast Nook
- Walgreens
- Master's Manna Food Pantry
For information about the WTA program, contact: Lisa Baker at or 203.294.5949
The WISE Program is an alternative special education program that keeps Wallingford Students in Wallingford Schools.
We provide special education services to elementary students that have been determined appropriate by the Planning and Placement Team in a small, highly structured environment with a behavior modification program and token economy to help stabilize and change behaviors.
Students in the program receive:
- Instruction by certified staff
- Counseling by the school social worker
- Speech/language, occupational, and physical therapy services (as needed)
- Daily, weekly, and monthly rewards.
For more information about the WISE Program, contact:
Aimee Turner Assistant Superintendent for Special Education
(203) 294-5946
To contact program staff:
Aubrey Lamb, School Social Worker,, (203) 284-3970
Brittany DiLorenzo, School Psychologist, (203) 284-6920
Academically-gifted students are those who stand out among their grade-level peers by demonstrating a combination of high intellectual potential, academic ability, creativity, motivation, or leadership that requires additional exploration and nurturing.
Artistically talented students are those who stand out among their grade-level peers by demonstrating extraordinary skill and creative ability in a fine art (instrument, voice, art, theater).
Wallingford has specified criteria for the identification of students who are gifted and or talented. Please refer to the Gifted and Talented Handbook for specifications.
STEP Program
Underlying the town of Wallingford’s school program is the philosophy that education should provide for the maximum development of each individual. Programs for the gifted and talented are thus a part of a continuum of services offered to all children from the profoundly handicapped to the exceptionally gifted.
Elementary School
The Student Enrichment Program seeks to unlock the potential of gifted students. Through project-based activities, addressing a broad variety of learning styles and skills, students are challenged to accelerate and to expand their school-based experiences out into the real world. Students are encouraged to think critically and creatively, identify and solve problems through invention, and take intellectual risks in a safe environment. Additionally, an independent research project prepares them for the challenges of Middle School.
Students identified by the district as being gifted receive small-group instruction twice every six days.
Middle School
As a continuation of the elementary program, The Student Enrichment Program seeks to unlock the potential of gifted students through project-based activities, addressing a broad variety of learning styles and skills. Students are challenged to accelerate and expand their school-based experiences out into the real world. Students are encouraged to think critically and creatively, argue effectively, work cooperatively, solve problems, and take intellectual risks in a safe environment.
Students meet two to three times per week during the “specials” period; academic core classes are not affected by participation in STEP.
High School
While there is no formal Gifted program at the high school, there are numerous advanced educational opportunities. Some of these include:
Advanced Placement (AP) courses
Independent Study
Educational Center for the Arts program
Connecticut Scholars Program
Bristol- Myers Squibb Laboratory Science Internships
Bristol- Myers Squibb Summer Science Program Scholarships
New Haven- Yale Saturday Seminar
Yale- New Haven Summer High School
Middlesex Community- Technical College/ High School Partnership Program
Southern Connecticut Language and Culture Exposure Program
UCONN Co-op Program
These programs are available at both schools. Information about all of these opportunities is available in your Program of Studies handbook or by contacting the appropriate school.